How it works

Pick Your Exchange

Choose the currencies you would like to swap in the drop-down list and enter the exchange amount. You will see the estimated receiving sum in the field on your right. If you need to receive a precise sum, choose our fixed rate swaps. Click Start Exchange button to continue.

Enter the Crypto Wallet Address

Paste the crypto wallet address you will use to receive the funds. Make sure the information is correct as blockchain transactions are irreversible. Some currencies require Extra ID to send the transaction, make sure to provide it if needed. Click Next to proceed.

Send the Deposit

Send the deposit to the address StealthEX has generated for you. Make sure the sum on the screen matches the one you send. Once the deposit is received, your swap will be processed.

Receive Your Coins

Our algorithm will find the best crypto exchange rate and perform a swap for you. Once this is done, you will receive exchanged funds to provided address. If something goes wrong or you have questions, contact [email protected] or use the live chat on the website. Don’t forget to rate StealthEX after your swap is done! uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Please read our cookies policy